Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have had several requests for an update on how we are doing here in South Carolina and you know that I am such a people pleaser that I must oblige everyone!

1) We finally have all the boxes unpacked and almost all of our pictures are up on the wall.

2) We had our first visitor, my best friend Julie, come stay last weekend. Much fun and much needed.

3) I am learning that small towns are different than big towns. People like to drop by. The right thing to do is to invite them in, offer them a cup of coffee, etc. - not leave them standing on your porch in the cold until they have to ask if they can come in. Make extra coffee so that if you offer it you actually have some.

4) People are more important than projects. (see # 3)

5) We went to a gala for the museum here in the county. It was black tie optional so I wore a floor length dress (that I already owned and have worn for multiple occasions.) They had nice food but they also had ribs and oysters on the half shell. I am sure I was quite the sight - the new pastor's wife (since that it my name now) standing in my floor length dress eating ribs and throwing back some oysters. Good thing I am not much for formality myself.

6) I love Charleston (which is good since I am making my second trip in less than a week this weekend). And I do read everyone of the historical markers as Rodney Carroll trained me.

7) Community is a good thing. You can find community at a rambunctious meeting planning children's Sunday School, in phone calls from friends (thanks, Susan and Leanne) and on facebook chat.

8) You can be the pastor's wife and still have trouble reading your bible everyday. Good thing that my bible-reading plan is for shirkers and slackers.

9) Change can be hard and it takes time. And when people shoot down your ideas, you get over it. Because sometimes you remember that it is not about you, it is about God. I don't mean that in a Sunday School kind of way. I mean that in the very real sense. No more preaching from me.

10) I have enjoyed being home with Judah. It is frustrating that he refuses the 10 sippy cups that we have tried when he is supposed to be off the bottle in a month. If anyone has tips, I am open to suggestions. Correction: I am desperate for suggestions.

That is all for now. Next time I promise there will be pictures of Judah.


Heath and Nikki said...

Great to hear from you. What's your secret bible reading plan. It sounds perfect for me :) Pastors! God is good :)

Shayla said...

Hi, Shea! We miss you alot @ the Trustee's office in Birmingham! I drop by everyday to see an update & am happy that you've given one! God Bless & congrats on your new life in Charleston!
♥ Shayla

Heald said...

So glad to hear that things are going well. I know change is hard but hang in there. As for the sippy cup, we used the small Gerber with the 2 handles. It takes some time, literally baby steps. Joshua was 15 months before he showed any real interest. We did mostly water but added some juice for some flavor. My kids are not big milk drinkers so we have only used juice. Email me if you guys ever have any questions. I'm not exactly Parenting 101 but maybe I can help. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Next time in Charleston, go on a horse drawn carriage tour. My uncle runs one of them. Lots of fun!
