Saturday, July 7, 2007

Time to Relax

So what's a girl to do when her husband is on another continent for two a half weeks? Head to the parents' place for some TLC. It doesn't hurt that they live on the lake...

We went for a long boat ride yesterday down Lick Skillet (the local name for a creek close to my parent's house). We have been coming to the lake ever since I can remember but everything around my parent's house has gotten very big - nothing like the little cabins we grew up around. But down the creek not much has changed...

Bella jumped off the boat and swam for the bank while my Mom and I were out in the water. The bank was high and she couldn't get back down it and my Dad had to rescue her.

There are tons of great smells for dogs to sniff.

Eddie finds time to chill out.

Bella helps Dad navigate the boat.

A glider with a view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your managing w/o John Mark okay. Hope Baby Patrick is growing strong - he/she will need it to keep up with those two dogs!

It was great talking with you last week. I'm heading to Daytona w/mom and grandma this weekend (7/14), so maybe I can call you to really catch up.

'Chelle Jones